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Through the combined experiences of our President and our team, Harbor Services is able to offer our clients expert service in a variety of capacities. Whether projects fall into the Industrial, Public Works, or Commercial sectors, we have the skill and proficiency to get the job done efficiently and with the utmost attention to quality and service.
Download our Capability Statement to see our full range of expertise and services!
Our management structure is based on our superior construction management processes, procedures and systems. Our project experience has fine-tuned our ability to quickly provide fast-track scheduling, cost control, security, quality assurance and a safe work site.
This section will describe the processes that make up a successful Project Management organization that delineates clear lines of authority and communication, ongoing coordination with the owner, and a detailed monitoring plan for all construction services.
236210 Industrial Building Construction
236220 Commercial and Institutional Building Construction
237110 Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Construction
238130 Framing Contractors
238160 Roofing Contractors
238190 Other Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors
238220 Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning Contractors
238310 Drywall and Insulation Contractors
238320 Painting and Wall Covering Contractors
238330 Flooring Contractors
238350 Finish Carpentry Contractors
238390 Other Building Finishing Contractors
238910 Site Preparation Contractors
238990 All Other Specialty Trade Contractors